How many years before MP3 becomes king?

I was reading about one unit that plays CD's pretty decent, but also stores 300 hours of 128 bit music. It has every type input and output imaginable and could be the world's greatest jukebox.

Sound quality was compared to early CD's played on first generation CDP's. The author wouldn't predict how many years (months) it will take for enough bandwidth and other factors to happen for the MP3 to musically surpass even SACD and DVD-A.
how can mp3s pass anything if they're made by by subtracting information from higher resolution files?

mp3 is lossy. it produces a file that is smaller than the original because bits are thrown out. what i'm trying to say is that mp3s are always encoded from somewhere else. that "somewhere else" is always better than the resulting mp3. there are plenty of other lossless alternatives that are much better than mp3 such as flac and shn.

to surpass sacd and dvd-a you have to come up with a new format.

can you provide a link to this article?