Wadia 861 vs. Gamut CD1r vs Sonic Frontiers T3/P3

anyone have any recomendations. i have a Sonis frontiers line 3se and a power 2 wtih NOS KT88s. Tangent speakers other speakers are reference 3a mm de capos.
I still have not heard the Gamut, but my understanding (from a dealer) is that there have been substantial delays in availability while they work a kink of some kind out of the product.
cross the Gamut off your list- I demo'd it extensively- extrememly light in the bass. Highs were clean and clear, but thats' about it IMHO. What is your price point? I am loving my Spectral SDR3000 transport, and there are a couple for sale right now on the 'gon. Paired with an Audio Note dac level 3 or above and you're in for a treat...
The Wadia is overall better than the Gamut and more than twice the price. The Wadia has a very convincing sound without any digital edge whatsoever. It is the best all-in one player that I have heard. Close to analog, but lacks that last bit of life, energy and air, that only a good moving coil can produce.

The Gamut which I have in my system has the same lack of digital edge like the Wadia with a balanced sound; treble energy matches bass energy. Soundstaging is also excellent (better than most cdps), but not like the Wadia.

I have not heard the Sonic Frontiers so I cannot comment on that player.
Ultrakaz-Is your Gamut the newer CD1R?

I'd also be interested hearing from anyone that's compared
the 861 to the 301.
