Audio Aero Capitole 24/192... anyone know if the

Anyone know if this version also has digital volume control from the remote and analog volume control from the front panel knob? The manual doesn't say.

Well I guess I learn something new everyday! Now that I have learnt it I can go back to being brain dead :) thanks for clearing it up Rcr.
Uggh... I don't have a "CD/Pre" button on the remote. I have the LCD remote and the only way I can control volume is by pressing the "Sel1" button. The CD button does not give you a way to adjust volume, only tracks mainly. There is an amp button, but this does not control volume.
Germanboxers............Do yourself a favor and get the new plastic remote referred to by others in this post. You can probably get one through your dealer or distributor. It may be "cheap" looking, but provides far greater functionality such as the digital volume control capability for the MK I player. The "new" remote also allows you to smoothly adjust the analog volume and allows you to direct access tracks with ease, unlike the LCD remote.