Mac Mini Power Supply

I recently built a linear power supply for my Mac Mini. The difference in sound quality was one of the single largest performance upgrades I've made to my system in years.

I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with their mac mini PSU upgrades and what your experiences are. It's one of those upgrades I wish I had made months ago.

I've always been a big believer in the source being the most important component in the system. Followed by the power supply being one of the most important parts within the component. At least in this case, it appears that was correct.

Mintzar can't think of any reason that putting the supply internally in the Mini would make it better because he's trying to sell external linears.;-)
Thanks Glory. 813, I'm not sure why you're trying to pick a fight. I've been respectful in answering your accusations here and on CA forum and I'm trying to be as informative as possible in doing so. If you read my initial post I didn't originally intend on selling these supplies and I make very little money doing so. I am doing it to help people have better sound, since it's so difficult to find these days.

Since you don't own a Mac Mini and aren't interested in one it appears that you are making trouble for trouble's sake. I would appreciate it if you stopped doing so and began posting positively to what was a very useful and informative thread. Or don't post at all.

I'm not trying to pick a fight.

I just asked, why spend $400.on a linear PSU, when you can have better sound,lower power consumption and less boxes and cables by upgrading to a new Mini.

Isn't that a positively fair question?
It was a perfectly fair question and I answered it.

It is also somewhat rhetorical.

Why spend $400 when you can get better sound, lower power consumption, and less cables? There is no reason to whatsoever. If all those things were true and you could pay $400 for the new mini rather than $400 for a PSU upgrade then that would be a no brainer.

The problem is that the new mini doesn't necessarily sound better than the 09 mini with or without upgrades. It might, it might not. The only facts of this equation are: one, that my power supply is $450; two, it did make a substantial positive difference to the 09 mini; and three, that the 2010 mini starts at $700.

So if someone asked me what would make a more worthwhile difference: upgrading the power supply on the 09 mini for $450 or buying an entirely new computer for $700 I would say that's a fairly simple decision. The mac mini supply can always be resold for nearly what you paid for it, it's much more difficult to get your money out of a used computer.

However, if you wish to argue that a $700 upgrade outperforms a $450 upgrade then I think that is perfectly fair. It certainly is a more expensive price tag and one would conceivably think it should perform at a higher level.