EMM Labs DAC6 vs. latest version dCS

Would appreciate any comments regarding the comparison of these two highly regarded units.
Jetter- Ed Meitner is the "man" behind DSD, he is the man who made it work, and the same goes to SACD. SACD was a flop at best till Ed got his hands in the pie, I don't know how or why but it works. In fact it works better then anything else I have heard(there isn't much I haven't heard) and by a large margin. The way he upsamples all digital to dsd is simply mind blowing(I was told but I won't waste all of your time trying to ineterpret the information second hand, I know I would screw it up), its so simply yet he was the one who made it happen! The best part is there is no bell, no whistle, no fancy chassis just amazing sound.

Gladstone- You are right at this point NO one knows which would sound better, I am hoping the DCC2 is as good or so darn close that most can't tell the difference :) But no one has heard a DCC2 yet so no one knows the answer.
Tireguy--I'm not taking that chance. I ordered separates. Separate power supplies make a big difference.
When will the DCC2 start shipping? How about the Meitner transport? Any preliminary pics of the transport yet?
The transport will be shipping first week of June. DCC2 will be shipping mid- end of June.

Gladstone- I know I know :( Time will tell though, if its not as good I will just get the DAC6 and switchman and sell the DCC2 and take it as a lesson learned.