Audio Aero Capitole II with no serial numbers?

I"m kinda' concerned about something going on here, and I think people should be aware of possible illegal goings-on. There are people selling Audio Aero Capitole MkII CD players at big discounts, with lame reasons for why they are getting rid of them so fast. It seems obvious that they got hold of them through irregular channels and are flipping them immediately for a profit, by-passing the dealers, etc.
One guy says that the players are from Europe, with no serial numbers (?!?!?!?!?)and therefore no Warranty.
Like, I want to buy a player like that with no Warranty and probably no good will from the distributor or dealers here to help me out?!? How do I know that the player isn't stolen, and will be confiscated if I do take it to a place that knows how to fix it that has connections to Audio Aero?
BUYER BEWARE people!!!!
bwhite said:
"FOR ALL - in fact, its only the dealers who loose(sic) in this gray/used market thing - the company gets its money. So the SOME dealers band together and as a result, screw the consumer.... They are all upset because they don't get their 50% cut on the merchandice(sic) so they throw tizzy fits...."

Oh, so the dealer isn't entitled to make a living? The distributor to dealer mark-ups on high end stuff are puny, compared to clothing, shoes, food, prescription drugs, etc etc.
The distributor and or manufacturer set the retail prices anyway, NOT the dealer. The dealers are advised not to discount past certain levels, not out of greed, but to keep it fair for all of the dealers. If one guy is discounting like crazy and trans-shipping to customers in another dealer's area, not only is that against the rules, it's unfair. If that sort of thing happens too much, then all of the other dealers get pissed-off and drop the line. That's bad for both the manufacturer and the consumers.
So we're back to Mr. Jerk in the gray market, and it still sucks, and people shouldn't be supporting them.
You get what you pay-for, and great product deserves to fetch a fair price. If we all run around trying to knock down the prices by illegal or immoral means, then we all lose.
Peoples' unrealistic expectations of what they think prices should be have destroyed a lot of American and Canadian jobs. Corporations move their manufacturing business to Mexico or the Far East where people get slave wages. The product is shipped back here where people happily pay for their made-in-China shoes (talk about HUGE mark-ups!) and their made-in-Mexico cars, and thereby f*ck their fellow Americans out of their jobs! Mass market electronics, ya, including crap lo-fi audio stuff are in the same class.
"High End" audio product is often made right in here in North America, by Canadians and Americans who employ people here, and the same goes for European product. This kind of audio is an art folks, and it costs money for R&D, quality parts, etc. Oh ya, and it's a luxury we "audiophile" types love to spend our money on. We have to support the good companies if we want them to stay around.
So stop pissing and moaning about the prices, buy it or wait until you can afford it, or yes, buy it used from (a legitimate)someone who is moving-up to something else. Then enjoy it. Cheers!
Golden Ears. Touche' It seems as if you have a great deal of experience and emotion regarding this issue. Perhaps you can explain how some of these "dealership rules" are fair to a consumers?

For instance, if I have a local dealer who sucks I cannot buy from a good (remote) dealer who doesn't suck. What's that all about? What can I as I do? I am between a rock and a hard place. By all means, I want to be fair to the dealers but am I supposed to support a sucky dealer by putting money in his pocket?

IMHO, dealers dig their own graves. IF they provide good customer service then they will be successful. IF they do not, people in those areas will be seeking products elsewhere.

Here is your little quote:

If one guy is discounting like crazy and trans-shipping to customers in another dealer's area, not only is that against the rules, it's unfair. If that sort of thing happens too much, then all of the other dealers get pissed-off and drop the line. That's bad for both the manufacturer and the consumers.

Who's pissing and moaning?
I started this thread because I was concerned about Audio Aero CD players being improperly imported with their serial numbers removed to hide their origins, and the possible bad effects it could have on people. (I'm not a dealer by the way...)
Some people have used it as an excuse to go on a rant against manufacturer and dealer prices, procedures and rules. There will always be a few exceptions or reasons why rules would not be followed. But that doesn't make the original issue any different. Fair play and good business practices do not constitute pissing and moaning.
Golden ears, good reply. I think we're on the same page.
I have to apologize for my little rant regarding dealers.
golden_Ears .... I am similarly amazed that more people haven't made the connection between going to walmart to buy cheap crap and the fact that almost the only jobs left in the US now are flipping burgers and selling starbucks. I am a UK citizen, and I used to try to buy "made in UK". Now I'm living in the US I try to buy "made in USA", but, like the UK, it's getting harder and harder to do.
People can whine about the government, about the WTO, about multinationals, but in the modern world your usage of your credit card is more important than getting out on voting day.
Ah, I feel better for that. Thanks all for allowing my little rant against the state of the world.