Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
Not being a tube guy Jonathan, can you comment on :

1, Do tubes start to die from day one, and that the quality of sound is best at the begining of the tubes life contrary to the end.

2. When replacing tubes, there is always a chance that the sound may change, for the better or for the worst.

thanks !!

Matt: All components including tubes have a life span. We can say we all start dying when we are born or start living. :)

The tubes have a 10,000 hour life and are very inexpensive to replace. When they are replaced, the sound will stay the same as it was during the "good years" of the tubes life.
It is my understanding it has something
to do with track programing and such.
No sonic benefit at all. I believe they
are in stock at Global.
For what it's worth... I had to replace the tubes in my version 1 24/192 about 3 months after purchase. One channel was exhibiting "tube rush" noise. I was able to get replacement tubes from Triode Electronics (sorry, don't have web site, but should come up under search).

I replaced them myself, with absolutely NO degradation in sound quality. As I put it to my wife, replacing the tubes was likened to doing minor surgury on your house pet. Not impossible, but requires a steady hand, PATIENCE, and very good lighting/magnifying glass. Also BE SURE TO USE PURE SILVER SOLDER! - (for you do-it-your-selfer's).

BTW , I'm still completely enamoured with my player, now almost a year and a half later. It continues to please and impress.

As a side note, I found the supplied Black Diamond cones to sound fast, but lacked the depth and tautness in the bass. I replaced them with the eminently-affordable Vibra-Pods with excellent results. Imaging, speed, & resolution all still great, but with MUCH better bass reproduction.