CD player with best dynamics?

Who do you think makes the CD player with the best dynamics (without being harsh) under $7K? I've been shopping for a new player and have noticed this is an area of wide variablility among players.
I found the Levinson more analytical and "hi-fi" than my more-musical and VERY dynamic EMC-1 MkII, as others have noted. I too am breaking in that VD PC and wonder if my first impressions of somewhat more "air" than my DIY Belden 83802 or Harm Tech provided? Sorry to bend the thread....
Naim. Incredibly rhythmic drive and sense of the beat, whether it be classical, rock, opera, jazz. Levinson is more polite, taking a longer view. Wadia is ok. Krell has drive but can be strident and the bass may be too much of a good thing. Accuphase is very refined and inviting, more lyrical than dynamic. Not sure about the other stuff.
47 Labs Flatfish--find it much more dynamic, purer, and faster than Levinson 390s, Wadia 850, and Electrocompaniert EMC MkI and II. Also has a larger sound-stage... Any harshness can be tuned away through support (try Symposium Rollerblocks on an air support, or Vibrapods) and AC cables (the Power Dumpty is highly sensitive to mains quality and power cable choice).