Wadia 861 or Aero Capitole MK1?

After much researching and headaches it has finally came down to the last 2 finalist which are the Wadia 861 and the Aero Capitole MKI. Neither one of these CD-Player will be driving a Jeff Rowland model 10 direct without a Preamp. So if anyone could give me a couple more inputs, I'll be done and settled, happily listening to music till the next upgrade bug bites again.
To Anyone:

In what ways is the Capitole "better" Than the Wadia 861. What types of music is the Capitole best suited for vs. the Wadia.
Have heard them both and they are the cream of the crop.....however I prefered the Wadia 861.
I did not audition the Capitole but the 861 is an AMAZING CDP... I'd be really surprised if the Capitole was WAY better than the 861... They may be close to each other but to say the Capitole has it hands down, it better do miracles...

Just my opinion...
If you're ready to spend the price of a 861, get the Mk II Capitole that has just been released. It is better than the Mk I, and the best one box CD player i have ever heard.

You better be prepared to wait if you want a Capitole MK 2. I have been waiting prepaid for almost 3 months for mine, they keep saying they are going to ship and then 2 weeks later they say they are getting ready to ship. I am going to compare it to my Wadia 860x and see what I like best.