Packing Peanuts-a waste

Why do people use packing peanuts when packing a heavy item such as an amp or speakers? Many of the MBE packing places rely heavily on this things. If you think of it, what good will they do when a 50 lb amp shifts. All they will do is crush and flatten.
Derrick, the key to packing anything is to double box and make sure that the inner box CAN'T shift within the outer box. If packed tightly enough ( literally CRAMMED full ), there is enough pressure that is evenly distributed on all sides, keeping the inner box centered. I would agree with your basic statement that most people do not pack well enough to begin with though.

Did you have another shipping problem ??? Sean
I've got a shipping problem in that I've got a pair of Dynaudio Audience 72's to sell and some of the molded styrofoam corner and edge pieces have split apart. Does anyone have any advise with respect to replacing these crucial spaceholders for shipping? The speakers are heavy, so peanuts likely wouldn't work. Anyone know where to get dense foam pieces where blocks can be pulled out to create the proper spacer shapes?
Go to any building supply store. Sheets of home insulating foam are sold($7 to $10) in 4x8 sheets in 1/2 or 3/4 inch thickness, With a box cutter or good sharp knife, you can cut, fit, tape and glue(I use the spray type of glue, better contact and dries quicker) this foam to virtually any configuration you need. I do a lot of shippin, and I have had no problems since I started cutting this stuff to fit my needs.