reel to reel help

A friend of mine wants to buy a reel to reel tape recorder. I know nothing about them. Can anyone suggest decent makes and models. I'm not sure what his budget is but probably in the $200-$500 range. And is there anything in particular he should be looking for? Features, options, etc. thanks-matt
I have one that might be just the ticket on eBay right now. Email me for the link .... graham
Matt- Can't say I know much about them, but a friend has a Tandberg 10X (purportedly one of the finer decks around) for sale. I'm sure the owner's manual lists the features, which you could use as reference even if you're not interested in that particular model. I'd be happy to send a copy of it to you. Contact me if you'd like details.

For r-t-r beginners, this site may be useful:

The guy who maintains it, Rolf, is knowledgable and quite friendly.