Best digital cable below $500

I currently use a harmonic tech platium digital interconnect and am wondering if a better interconnect would make a difference. My system consists of a Theta basic II transport feeding a camelot uther IV going directly into a pass labs alpeh 5 amp to AP Virgo II speakers. Anolog interconnects are Tara labs air 1 and speaker cable is tara labs air2. Thanks in advance for your input.
The best Iv'e ever heard is the new zanden cable,but,maybe the best 500 dollar cable is the stealth varidig.
Illuminati Ohm-Aha! $7.00. This mini 75 ohm coax available from is awesome. Solder it directly to each circuit board and you will be amazed at the sound of your digital components. You get 2 8" cables plus 5" of Wonder Solder. I was using DH Labs D-75 with 75 ohm BNCs, but this smokes it.
Sean, who makes cables with end terminations? Also, what kind of terminations are they - series or parallel?
I'm not directly aware of any manufacturer that currently offers such designs or cabling. Then again, i've not been shopping for digital cables in a while : ) Sean