Help me with a digital Font end

I'm looking for a good cdp (used $1-1.5k) and a pre-proc which is very good for music (for approx. the same amount of money-used), to match with two Citation 7.1 amps (one to bi-amp mains for music and one to handle HT channels.
Looking for significant upgrade from:
Cambridge Audio D500-SE cdp
Adcom GTP-760 pre/proc
I use system mainly for music (90%)
Looking for units able to get close to the best out of quality speakers such as B&W N804, Von Schweikert VR4 GenII, Vandersteen 3a Sig., Theil 3.6 (speakers in this range)
Any suggestions?

I helped you with one of the 7.1's. Now you want more!

Mayby a RA CD50. Also you might grab a CD55 if you're really lucky or a EMC-1 I. Probably more like sub 2k.

The Lexicon MC-1's are selling at 2K and are tons better than the DC-1's. The DC-2's are in your range. Look for a verson 4.0 software with the DTS feature.

Good luck,

BIll E.
Here's what I'd do, for what it's worth. The Cambridge should make a very good transport, so I'd recommend an Electronic Visionary Systems Millennium DAC II($1050, that will be very tough to match for any used $1k CDP. You can try it for 30 days and if it doesn't blow you away just return it.

Since music is the priority in this system I'd get an Adcom GFA-750 that has a Home Theater pass-through feature that will allow it to blend seamlessly with your pre/pro. This way you can use your current pre/pro for surround processing, but for more critical 2-channel listening the 750 is the only preamp in the system. Any used pre/pro you pick up will likely not have the latest processing capabilities and will certainly not match the 750's performance in stereo.

So this way you get all new equipment(I'm pretty leary of buying used CDPs especially) with true high-end 2-channel performance, and you can continue to use your current equipment and don't have to worry about selling it. Anyway, that's what I'd do. Hope this was helpful and best of luck.

Any interest in SACD? Might get a used 777 in your range, or think about a new multi-channel player since you have an integrated system. I don't think you'll improve the 760 much for 1-1.5k for a pre/pro, but could with a separate 2-ch pre integrated with the 760. Might do better dropping down (in price) to the new Outlaw 950 for $900, and put the rest in the front end or 2-ch pre.
Since Soix brought it up, Here's another question I have. Is the music capabilities of a fairly good pre/proc up to par with the sonic capabilitirs of a straight pre-amp? Does a Lexicon DC-2 equal an Adcom GFP-750 in music?