SACD review site a go Now, I need your input ...

OK, the market research has been done and I am in the process of choosing a web developer to move this project forward. Besides both user and professional reviews of SACD and DVD-A discs, here are some of the other ideas that we're kicking around.

-- Threaded message board with industry professionals and experts (i.e reps from Chesky, Sony, etc.)

-- Hardware reviews (SACD and DVD-A players) Both professional and user reviews -- moderated, to avoid being another "audioreview".

-- Editorial

-- Industry Updates

-- Links

-- Used disks, trading section

-- Setup and technical information for both new users and experienced hobbyists. This could include sections such as: "room acoustics for multichannel", "migrating an HT system to multichannel SACD or DVD-A", "bass management", etc. Hopefully, we can attract industry experts and expereinced hobbyists to make this section meaningful.

The site will be an augmentation to, and certainly not a replacemet for: this excellent forum and AA. Site will be "non-profit" --i.e. devoid of too many banner ads, etc.

I would now like your input into what YOU think should be in the site. I/we can't really talk about any commercialization, as that would violate AA's guidelines for this forum -- what we are interested in, at this point, is ideas that will help us build a web "community" as opposed to web "site" -- a gathering place for high rez enthusiasts designed to promote the new emerging high-rez technologies, enhance the experinece for those that have taken the plunge, and educate those who are sitting on the fence. --Lorne
...for people not (yet) on the SACD bandwagon.
A sort of simple, practical SACD 101: the sound (with analogies: vs vinyl, redbook cd, master tape...), the recording technology, the bandwidth, the "how-to" of choosing a player, the s/w, etc.

Great idea, Lorne!
Yup, and of course the basics of hooking things up. Quite a few people I talk to don't really understand even the basics of hooking up a home theater system, let alone DACs and such. It would also be great if the reviews would rate the musical quality and content, the quality of the recording, and probably the quality in both two and more than two channels. From what I hear, we are going to go through the same period of adjustment that followed the introduction of stereo and CD, where the engineers take some time to learn the tools.

Quit honestly, anything which makes high quality sound like SACD and DVD Audio more mainstream (and likely to survive), is a good thing!
Keep tight control over member postings. Some of the biggest turn offs for A-gon and AA are postings which are not subject related and the flames. A-gon has done a good job of getting rid of the trouble makers who tried to hi-jack the forum and turn into their own little party-don't even give them a chance-give them the boot and you will keep a better audience.
I think the site is a great idea. A lot of people I know are wanting to know if the sound of ALL SACDS are better than say the remastered of MFSL pressings before investing the money in them. The web site could also address new releases in the different formats so we could be aware of what is coming out.
I've got to agree with, keep it tightly controlled. Audiogon has done a wonderful job keeping this a friendly, informative sight. Audio Asylum is a circus. Get rid of the monikers, add the posters e-mail address with their postings, and allow ONLY registured members to post. This may cut back the flames.