SACD review site a go Now, I need your input ...

OK, the market research has been done and I am in the process of choosing a web developer to move this project forward. Besides both user and professional reviews of SACD and DVD-A discs, here are some of the other ideas that we're kicking around.

-- Threaded message board with industry professionals and experts (i.e reps from Chesky, Sony, etc.)

-- Hardware reviews (SACD and DVD-A players) Both professional and user reviews -- moderated, to avoid being another "audioreview".

-- Editorial

-- Industry Updates

-- Links

-- Used disks, trading section

-- Setup and technical information for both new users and experienced hobbyists. This could include sections such as: "room acoustics for multichannel", "migrating an HT system to multichannel SACD or DVD-A", "bass management", etc. Hopefully, we can attract industry experts and expereinced hobbyists to make this section meaningful.

The site will be an augmentation to, and certainly not a replacemet for: this excellent forum and AA. Site will be "non-profit" --i.e. devoid of too many banner ads, etc.

I would now like your input into what YOU think should be in the site. I/we can't really talk about any commercialization, as that would violate AA's guidelines for this forum -- what we are interested in, at this point, is ideas that will help us build a web "community" as opposed to web "site" -- a gathering place for high rez enthusiasts designed to promote the new emerging high-rez technologies, enhance the experinece for those that have taken the plunge, and educate those who are sitting on the fence. --Lorne

Showing 1 response by bobaloo1

Keep tight control over member postings. Some of the biggest turn offs for A-gon and AA are postings which are not subject related and the flames. A-gon has done a good job of getting rid of the trouble makers who tried to hi-jack the forum and turn into their own little party-don't even give them a chance-give them the boot and you will keep a better audience.