Best DVD/CD Player to buy

I am looking to upgrade my cd transport. I also watch movies through my system with a stereo VCR. I'm thinking of buying a DVD player for movies, but want a decent cd playback. Can I get both in one? Any recommendations? I'm looking for something under 1500 if possible.

Thanks, Jeff
Stan Warren has been mocifying Pioneer 24/96 DVD players (for CD 2 channel playback) for his customers. After his modifications, they end up sounding as good as many $2000+ high end offerings. The fact that these players also play DVDs is icing on the cake! I think the total cost is under $700 for mods and all. I have a personal friend who is a reviewer for Stereophile Home Theater Review. He has 4 different $4000+ state of the art DVD players in his review studio, and none of them (unmodified) will hold a candle sonically (in two channel) to the above aformaentioned Stan Warren modified Pioneer.
Forget the mass market stuff. I have a Sony 7700 DVD player. It has great video quality but its audio quality is terrible. I haven't heard CD's sound so bad since the early days of CD. Pioneer, etc. isn't going to be much better. Go for a Meridian 586.
My vote is for a modified Pioneer, but via John Hillig at Musical Concepts, who modded my DV-4l4 a year ago and it's been running like a champ ever since. However, I can't attest to its DVD performance since it's used ONLY as a CD player (plays 24-96 discs too) in a system where it's by far the least expensive component. That's how good it is.
I also use a Sony 7700, but only as a transport. In that role I've found that it bests a CAL Theta. Married with an EVO Millenium DAC II I'm really enjoying the music.