Cheap transport ??

Looking for new or used transport around $300usd. any suggestion !! Sony DVD machine a good cd transport ??
The cheapest transport solution is to hire a laborer from a third world country, hand them a CD and a magnifying glass, and have them shout 1's and 0's in the general direction of a DAC or processor. If you want to spend a little more than that, many of the Sony DVD machines make good transports according to what I've read here, and in my own personal experience even the low-end ones do. One of the cheaper Denon CD players was holding its own in my system for some time as well. The DCM-360 or 370, can't quite remember. It was a pretty good transport in that range.
If you can't find it at Best Buy try here.... $119.00

In my office setup I am using an older Philips CD-80 as a transport with a Meridian 203 DAC. This combo cost me under $500 used and sounds great.
I also own and would recommend the Aiwa XC37M with the following caveats.
It is great for the money-no question. If you want or need a changer this may be the only game in town for a quality transport. It is a bit unusual in appearance in that its led's flash at you when it is playing.
It does not, in any way, challenge my Parasound CBT-2000. It is a bit lean sounding next to the Parasound and the imaging is not as precise.
That said, I have an unmodified unit. I have sent my unit to Stan Warren and am still awaiting its return.