Is DVD-A still-born?

Do Audiogon members think DVD-A has been too slow getting off the ground?,a respected journalist in the UK thinks it already dead.
SACD has the lead although many of us are holding off the new formats at the moment.
My fear is that the confusion surrounding the new formats in general may limit their success and our ability to buy the new generation of digital recordings.
It takes time for new formats to be introduced but in the meantime my CD collection grows and grows........

As is your's Ken.
Ken who is telling people this sounds great.
Here is a quote from Listner magazine.I have to copy it word for word.Writting is not my strenght. Sean can write.This is acomment made bt Art Dudley editor Listner magazine.Comment's made about the Le Festival(Montreal Show)Son Image."What a pleasure to attend a show where the big buzz wasn't about how great it was to stand in line to hear some piece-of-shit $500k system":Instead,most people were talking about the Blue Circle/Harbeth room at the Delta,the former being the canadain maker of hand-wired tube electronics,the latter being one of two surviving speaker line's that can lay claim to that good ol'BBC DNA.
You can substitute the Country the palce for anywhere in the world.Listen to gear made locally where ever you are.You will be glad you took the time to do this.
You dont have to own a Sony to be cool.
No name Audio is fine for me.I listen with my ear's not my eyes.
DVD-A will be here eventually because it is just the natural progression of redbook CDs from 16 bit, to 18, then 20, now 24/96. This is why as is said above that a lot of record labels are already on board. It will be standard fair in DVD players soon, as Leafs comments above.
Sugarbie (and yes this thread is running into the other one)
I agree,however the DVD-A discs will need to be dual format won't this put an added expense onto record companies?
If they are not dual format (CD& DVD-A)then they'll only be playable on the new machines.
"Standard fare soon" may already be too late considering how many homes already have DVD players.


The problem is we always want better better better then what we already have. Tweak this up-grade that. I was happy when discs were digitally re-mastered. I could here a difference. HDCD not impressed even though I have it. 24/96 yea I have that to. Don't think I will collect any of it. OK maybe a little. Heck for the money I've got in the system what do I have to lose. And now this new stuff. Anyone try the DTS 5.1 cd's? That looks pretty cool. Think I'll give it a couple more years before I jump in any deeper.
I don't know nor do I care (at the moment). I have SACD player which for my ears produce immense improvements over Red Book CD. There are about 350 titles available from about 20-30 recording labels on on internet (for about an year I forgot local Towers etc), for examle "www.amusicdirect"). I have 70-80 recordings, plan another 12-15 (they cost money) for near future. I hope in 2-3 years to have a few hundred SACD's and then if DVD-A (which in my yes in not 24/192 2-channel audio only and judgment for which is remain to be seen) win AND SACD will die I will see what is the situation at that time and make my decision. Meanwhile, I enjoy great performances and great sonics for $17.99 per (single layer) SACD (even double layer SACD cost less then gold/XRCD CD's) now and for number of years (if I will live that long). Today Sony multichannel 775 cost $329, in a month or two DVD/multichannel SACD Sony machines will be available for $300 or so, therefore both hardware and software is affordable. Last point regarding 5 speakers. It woulds be expensive to audiophile on budget but for people who budget their audio for $500 cost will be THE SAME. It is because, mass market companies will take their $hit and make them 2.5 times cheaper but instead of two pieces of $hit will be five or ten if needed. Happy listening to eveyone