Speaker Cable Feet: Suggestions?

I heard that elevating speaker cables off the floor improves the sound. Regardless, I like the look of elevated cables, and I don't want my cleaning people to vacuum over them (ugh...). So, does anyone have a recommendation for where to go for speaker cable feet?

Buy some doweling. Cut equal pieces about 10 or 12 inches. Bind three pieces together with a HEAVY rubber band about a third down from the top. Spread it out into a tripod. It will equal ceramic or any other material, IMHO! Plus, if you do it neatly, it will about as good as any other solution.
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I expect the electric field extends higher than a few inches from carpet (inverse square law), so a thingamabob only a few inches high might not be ideal, depending on strength of the field to begin with. Mapleshade's 8" high dealie makes sense; also, suspending cables makes sense to escape structureborne vibration, which is conceivably more harmful to the sound than the static field.
I just recently elevated my cables about 10" off the floor and the difference was amazing. The clarity improved dramatically. This is an incredibly cheap and effective tweak.

Go to the grocery store and buy a bag of 12" bamboo skewers. $2.09 for a bag here on Maui. (They are incredibly strong).

Take three of them and tightly wrap a 5-6" long piece of yellow gasline teflon tape around them two inches from the top. Now just spread them out like a teepee. I will take a little force to make the teepee, but the tape has just enough stretch to make this work perfectly. Stain them any color you want to match your carpet or flooring and they virtually disappear.
Btw, I would be very careful using the ceramic insulators or creme brulee cups.

The reason for elevating the cables to begin with is to eliminate the dielectric of the carpet, as well as the static.

Without knowing what materials the ceramic is made with, you may be doing more harm than good. Porcelain typically has a high dielectric between 5.0 - 7.0.

Teflon, on the other hand, has a dielectric of 2.0 and I suspect that thoroughly dried bamboo is somewhere between 2.0 - 3.0. Besides, the skewers are so thin, the contact surface is extremely minimal.
