best cd player for 2500- 3500

I am looking to get a really nice player. I was considering the krell kav 280. does anybody have any suggestions for me? thanks for your help.
Absolutely. I won't ask the usual questions about your gear or music tastes. I will only state that I highly recommend you audition the Cary 303 (or 306 if you want to spend a little more). It is HDCD compatible and is fabulous on all types of music (large and small scale classical and jazz, pop, rock, etc., etc). I listened to a lot of players (unfortunately, the Krell was not one of them), and the only thing that I heard that beat the Cary was the Linn Sondek, at $20,000. Best purchase I have made in audio gear.

Good luck and have fun!
MY system is as follow bryston sp1 ,aragon 8008 , bryston 6bst , sony dvd 9000es, b&w nautlius 802's, htm1 and n805's with a asw 2500 . with audioquest and bryston interconnects and caldera speakers cables for the main. I would appreciate any and all help. thanks
The best player you can get for that price is a used Mark Levinson 39 It retails for 6,000 and you can pick one up for 3,000 to 3,500 and it will blow anything you can buy for new retail in your price range away. It rivals the best cd players on the planet. It is also designed with an anologe volume control so you can run directly to your amplifier to make for a simple but awesome sounding system. If you can listen to one I would. It has been in stereophiles class A since it has come out. It also won best cd player of 2001 and they started making it in 1997. Good Luck
A pre-owned Goldmund 39 DA++ will satisfy virtually all cognoscenti of high-end audio. You'll be astonished at how vividly the mid frequencies are portrayed -- as well as delineated. Distinctly demarcated voices and instruments add yet to the overall sonic beauty of this top-loading player.