Cheap SACD Player or wait for DVD Audio?

Do I understand there is a new Sony player for a reasonable price? Has anyone auditioned or purchased this unit? I heard the $5000 one and thought it looked and sounded great but found the price tag a bit steep given the number of titles available. I would love advice from any gurus on this format
Joe, I too would welcome a "high end " manufacturers SACD product, but have you sat down and listed to a SACD player on a decent system for an hour or so yet? When I did, the SACD quality made me wish all my favorite recordings were available in the SACD format. I appreciate the sound of vinyl, and found SACD to be a worthy challenger. It is also early in its development. We will probably see many improvements over time, if the format survives.
Bmpnyc, BRAVO!!! - you are THE ONE (expression is not mine, from movie Matrix) who has the EARS! (and I betcha lots of acoustic music listening. Perhaps, you agree with the statement that SACD dynamic range is much superior to the best vinil and few available DVD-Audio or 24/96 CDs. irs breathtaking, and emotional experience of Sony 9000ES/SACD mode as is, 777ES w/Jerry Ozment upgrade or Maranz SC-1 as is, is second to live concert only. Regarding the future winner it will be MP3 format (improved with wider acceptance of high bandwidth Internet connection, eg DSL)
Look, don't get me wrong, dynamic range is a great thing... but I wonder which one of you has a speaker with a dynamic range over 110 dB ? Or a room that can handle the difference between ppp and fff ? Probably none. On the other hand the analog stages in these players make them sound like muck. Yes, you can catch a glimpse of greatness lying around the corner, but you can never reach it. wITH NEW PLAYERS...PERHAPS. fOR NOW, THE BEST DIGITAL SOUND i CAN ACHIEVE IN MY SYSTEM IS WITH A 24/96 RECORDED dvd-a FROM cHESKY. bY THE WAY, i AM PRETY DISSAPOINTED THAT cHESKY IS JUMPING INTO THE HYPE BANDWAGON AND BOTH (I) ENDORSING AUDIOASYLUM AND (II) PRODUCING SACDS.. (Sorry about the caps, but I'm too tired to fix it now).
Dear Joe_Coherent: in your first remarks you stated that SACD format has problem, in the second, doubts if our speaker can do this and room do that and clearly proclaim Chesky 24/96 to be superior. I am sure you measured speakers and you understand SACD limitation very very well. I have only one question. Have you EVER listen to SACD sound in typical hi-fidelity (as opposed to mid-fidelity or even low-fidelity)environment? I am tired out of this discussion, good luck Mellowman! - Simon
Simontju, thanks for the kind words. I will probably get a 9000ES in a month or two. If I do, I will take it to my friends house with very high end system and compare it to the DCS upsampling gear. Keep us posted on any further developments regarding the SACD player. Joe, with all due respect, I didn't hear anything close to "muck" when listening to SACD. Granted there will be improvements when high end manufacturers get to it, but it is quite exceptional right now!