Cable Fetish: Exotic, Warm and Romantic

Hello Everyone. I am soon to complete my latest system which is a combination of vintagey high end with SACD: Sony SCD1, Audio Research SP-11, Mark Levinson 23.5 and factory fresh Magneplanar Tympani IVas. Since about 1980, I have had an old pair of Monster M-1 and M-1000 which have sounded OK with several different systems including Maggies, Apogees and Martin Logans. Some cable gurus have said they are just fine, apparently this was one of the early products and designed by Bruce Brisson. However, I am wondering if I might be hopelessly out of date? If so, could anyone please recommend something for my "new" (old) system that would be exotic warm and romantic that I could buy used on Audiogon for a reasonable price. While I don't want muddy bass etc., all I really really care about is glorious midrange and a lack of glare and fatigue. Beautiful exotic construction would also be a plus. Thank you and best wishes.
Try the Mapleshade Double HElix interconnects. They are very tweeky and exotic, and don't LOOK like they should be expensive, but they blow away the Cardas whatevers in depth of soundstage, tonal sweetness, liveness, and shear presence. If you have very revealing equipment, like your planar speakers, you will be very pleasantly surprized. Brian
If you can find them, Stealth CWS Signature. Gold plated 4n silver cables that are smooth, detailed, and holographic.
Cwlondon- Do you see a patern here? I do. Everyone likes what they have! SURPRISE! The best advice I can give is listen to everything you can(in home is the best), no two people can agree on what cables to use.
tim: NOW you're becoming observant. so, have you reached legal drinking age yet? :o) -kelly