Good entry level transport?

I'd like to hear everyone's recommendations on a good entry level (let's say $1000 or less) transport. Just as food for thought I see quite a few Thetas kicking around in this category.
Are you planning on getting one used? In my own experience, PS Audio Lamda was overrated in its time, Audio Alchemy DDS Pro is underrated, and maybe cheap now after the collapse of the company. It has Pioneer's "stable platter", which calls for putting the CD in upside down. Its power supply is separate and very heavy, suggesting quality.
I found the California Audio Labs(CAL) Delta an excellent transport for the money. It's around 1000.00 new but used prices are around 400.00-500.00.I had one in my system until I upgraded to Classe a few years ago.Good luck.
Get a DVD player with true 24/96 digital output (about $400 street price) and the MSB Link DAC, fully loaded.
There is a Cambridge Audio Transport for auction by someone on Audiogon $205.