Cartridge suggestions for around 2K

I am thinking of upgrading my cartridge and would love to hear some of your opinions about which way to go. I am currently using a low output Grado Reference through an ARC Ref. phono pre with Aries/JMW 10. I would like to try a MC, but wonder about loading and output through the ARC as well as compatability with the JMW. I listen to a lot of acoustic music, Rock/Blues etc.
It was this Salvatore guy who got me wandering about new carts in the first place. If nothing else he does make one think a little further into the audio journalism scene and the opinions/views we Audionuts seem to take as gospel. I find him rather refreshing, but still wonder if he's on the level.
Cmo, Salvatore has one perspective, but he has not personally heard that many cartridges. i think his web-site is valuable in that it will make you think for yourself.....which is the best advice.

in my personal cartridge experience i have found that the vdH Colibri XCP is the best cartridge i have heard. it is $6k retail, but can be purchased on audiogon for under $2k. i also have the Koetsu RSP II ($5500 list) and the Clearaudio Insider Gold ($7600 list). i much prefer the XCP to these 2 cartridges as more dynamic, detailed and explosive.

i have spent quite a bit of time with the Helikon and Benz Ruby.....neither of which is competive with the Insider or the Colibri XCP is a few levels better than those.

i also have the Colibri XWG which has a mytlewood body and gold coils, which is slightly less explosive and dynamic than the XCP, which has a polycarbonite body and copper coils. the XCP outputs .85mv and the XWG outputs both will be easy to drive and create a lower noise floor than many other of the better MC's.

I am not in the market for a new cartridge. I'm sticking with the vdh Black Beauty.
Jackcob, what makes you think I was giving you cartridge advice? I was answering CMO cartridge Question. Giving him a site to help him see why TWL suggested the ZYX R-100 Fuji.
which would be my sugestion also.
