Cartridge suggestions for around 2K

I am thinking of upgrading my cartridge and would love to hear some of your opinions about which way to go. I am currently using a low output Grado Reference through an ARC Ref. phono pre with Aries/JMW 10. I would like to try a MC, but wonder about loading and output through the ARC as well as compatability with the JMW. I listen to a lot of acoustic music, Rock/Blues etc.

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I have read this fellow's reviews. IMO he's a very strange man, sort of a zealot. Too many axes to grind to be trusted.
I am using a van den hul black beauty on my VPI TNT MK V/JMW 12.5 combo. The BB is high compliance cartridge and has a .55 mv output, which should be plenty for you.

I think it's a fantastic match. I couldn't be happier with the sound of this set-up. I'm sure I will be using it for years to come. BTW, when I spoke to "Mike" at VPI he said they were using the BB with their TNT HR/JMW 12.5 in demonstrations.

I can't comment on the cart TWL mentions.

The list price for the BB is 4,000, but if you just look through Audiogon, they are sold a much, much less than that.

I am not in the market for a new cartridge. I'm sticking with the vdh Black Beauty.