Fedex Weekly Damage Report

I posted last week how the Fedex Overnight people managed to deliver me a Jadis amp 85% in the shipping box. Well, just one week later a pair of Apogee Stages were delivered, and the driver buzzes me and says "you might want to come down here cause you might not want to accept this COD". These speakers were packed in custom wooden crates and the 2 days they had them, Fedex managed to knock the corner of the crate and peeking though was the old speaker. It didnt appear the speaker had cosmetic damage. I hooked them up and lo and behold, the woofer panel does not work and the side panels are coming off the main speaker frame. To quote one of NY Finest, Fedex can kiss my Royal Irish (Chinese) ASS.
Sorry to hear that. I used to think FedEx was better, albeit marginally, than the UPS, but it no longer seems true. I've sent my amp to the manufacturer for a free upgrade, and I haven't heard on its condition. I double boxed and put as much peanuts as I could, but you know how it is with these shipping companies. Curiously enough, I am yet to have a trouble with the UPS. I've had one broken subwoofer through FedEx Ground though. I'm not sure when my luck with the UPS would run out.....hopefully it would last long enough so that I'd get my amp back in one piece.
And here I thought it was only the knuckle dragging neanderthals at UPS that pulled shenanigans like this. I definitely feel your pain. I had a similar experience recently when trying to ship a Tice Power block. I would be interested to hear how good (or bad) Fedex is about making good on damage claims. We've all heard how bad UPS is. I wonder -- if Fedex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?
Hi Justlisten
I FEEL FOR YOU.No other words come to mind, or that well help in this time of sarrow.
"Fed UP"?..............................

"I wonder -- if Fedex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?"

Yes, Kinsekd, I think that name would be quite appropriate.

As far as claims go, FedEx is not what they use to be (in our experiences with them).
Have had *1* damage claim for 2001, and it is with Fed Ex. Yet to be settled after two months.
Had *1* damage claim in 2000, again, with Fed Ex, with the same results (not good).
Note: Less than 1% of our shipping is with Fed Ex, so these results are not promising.

BTW, I am referring to Fed Ex, not Fed Ex Ground, which are NOT the same thing.

We view Fed Ex ground the same as we view UPS ground; No thanks...

If you don't package your fragile hifi gear in the appropriate way for the service you chose (ground, air, etc), and it is damaged, too bad, but if it is, and it is damaged, these freight companies must pay. Don't back down, and let them know you mean business. Sometimes legal action is the only option, and odds are the judge has had something damaged by these guys, so the odds are on your side (assuming you packed the item properly).

BTW, the most interesting ship story we have ever heard about Fed Ex was with a member on this site that sued Fed Ex and won. They appealed, and LOST again. Would be nice if he would come forward and explain the details on that one to others (claim was for $1800).

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