Seeking opinion for a super duper power cord....

to feed in my PS 300 and Wadia 860.
My considerations are:

NBS Statement
FIM Gold
Fatboy (not sure which model)

Appreciate your recomendations...........
May I suggest you look into the following:
NBS Statement 3 or Monitor 0 (latter is tighter but "drier")
FIM Gold (best all rounder)
Whale Elite (heard very good things)
Elco (what is that?)
I would also consider the BMI Whale Elite, it could be the best sounding of the group and the least expensive.
a BMI WHALE power cable. Just do a forum search, and you'll read all about it. I have several Whales and very happy with the results. This is after owning a NBS Statement and a Electraglide Fatboy& Fatman, and a King Cobra V1. Sold them all after hearing the Whales in there place. Plus see my Reference system- Gryphon...Plus the Whale is modestly priced in comparison.
I am in a similar boat. I am looking for new power cord for my Odyssey amp and my Rouge 99 preamp. Any recommemdations?

I've been very happy with the Shunyata power cords and would add them to your list.