opinions on Coincident vs. HT Pro9

Is anyone familiar with both of these? I was really almost sold on the HT due to the whole single crystal thing etc, but now I also keep hearing good things about the CST from people I respect. My system is CaryCD303, Cary sli80, Shearwaters. Also, does anybody know where I can try before I buy with both brands? thanks, J
hey jay have you checked out http://www.high-endaudio.com/ yet? it's arthur salvatore's site that people have been talking about under the thread 'reviewing the reviewers.' his store (high end audio) sells the cables (coincident) and he recommends them highly - not particularly persuasive in itselt- but if you read his audio critique site first i think you'll find his comments genuine. he goes into detail on the coincident cables and it's definitely worth a read if you're considering them.
I've owned both Harmonic tech and Coincident CST's, there is no contest, go with the Coincident!
Kublakhan, it's funny you mention it. I just went to that site & did a lot of reading today, so it's good that you started that new thread, thanks! Yeah, whereas HT seems to get some great reports, but also I've heard others say how it depends on the system, I've never heard anybody 'dissing' the CST's, which is exactly what Kevin @ Upscale said to me a while back. I've come to respect his opinion a lot, and am now leaning towards the Coincidents, especially when I read things like the above post by Audiojudge. I'll be finalizing my decision with the nexgt month, and will let you know.
Hey Audiojudge: Do you have single runs or biwire? Just curious, thanks, Jay in the jungle...
I just ordered a pair of Coincident interconnects based on all buzz about them around here. But I have used HT interconnects and speaker cables in various places in my system over the past couple of years and through many system changes. They are excellent and, in my experience, less system dependent than some other cables. They may not be your cup of meat, but they are very good and clearly a good value. If the Coincidents are as good, they will be an even better value.

The more I play with good cables, the more I come to feel that none is necessarily better than another, they're just different. People talk about one cable stompng all over another, or a lesser cable running from the room in embarrassment, or whatever. I've never found this to be the case. For the most part, they are just different. Which is why I have such a hard time getting rid of the little buggers, the good ones, even if they are not in the system at the moment.
