Good phono amp, low noise, not too expencive?

Any advice for a phono preamp at a "do-able" price point? Who makes good low noise one at a decent price? Say under $1000? Thanks!
Monolithic Sound phono stage w/ outboard Dual Mono Power Supply will make the Black Cube and the Blue Circle beg for mercy. The upgraded dual mono power supply has a three stage noise filter built-in. Dusty Vawter and Greg know what they're will get bass so strong and deep that will rival a DAC.

Lists for ~$650 total (
Is there an echo in here? there is another thread that is virtually identical to this one. The Plinius Jarrah will crush the Monolithic!
You may want to check out the AES PH-1. I have been very pleased with the results I have obtained in my system. $549 factory constructed (as opposed to a kit which is less).
A sleeper for few bucks second hand would be the accurus. The model may be p1 or p3, I forget. I owned one and it worked very well with a denon 304[about .2 output...I bought mine for about 350 cdns 7 years ago and sold it for 300...Th aragon version is more expensive but better....The above choices are worth checking out also....good luck...

I am with the "Psych" as far as the Monolithic PS-1/HC-1 is concerned. I don't have a phono stage yet, and I am going to add an analog rig to my audio system this summer. The first piece I am going to get will be the phono stage. And my phono stage will be the Monolithic PS-1/HC-1. I think that at $660.00, it will take on all challangers that charge close to three times its modest price (though, I think that the AcousTech PH-1 might be a formidable foe for the Monolithic PS-1/HC-1, and if I could afford to spend more, then that's what I would get. But that's a different story altogether). Try one out for yourself. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
