Good phono amp, low noise, not too expencive?

Any advice for a phono preamp at a "do-able" price point? Who makes good low noise one at a decent price? Say under $1000? Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by chaskelljr2001


I am with the "Psych" as far as the Monolithic PS-1/HC-1 is concerned. I don't have a phono stage yet, and I am going to add an analog rig to my audio system this summer. The first piece I am going to get will be the phono stage. And my phono stage will be the Monolithic PS-1/HC-1. I think that at $660.00, it will take on all challangers that charge close to three times its modest price (though, I think that the AcousTech PH-1 might be a formidable foe for the Monolithic PS-1/HC-1, and if I could afford to spend more, then that's what I would get. But that's a different story altogether). Try one out for yourself. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


You are right about the Technics SL-1200 MkII being a good turntable and all. My buddy, who happens to be a DJ (but I am not one...... I am just an audiophile (????)) has two of them, and he swears by them. And by helping him to do parties many times and actually gotten the privledge to operate the wonderful table myself, I cannot say that I disagree. And not only they can be made to be extrordinary turntables with a little tweaking and by using an "audiophile" approved cartridge instead of a Stanton or Ortofon, but those things are built like tanks too. Since you own one, I don't even have to tell you how much one of those things weigh, do I??? They are very nice tables. And since I don't have a table yet (but I did bid on a used Thorens TD126 MkIII 3 Speed Electronic on "E-Bay" last night, and it I am thinking about backing out. Nothing is wrong with the table (so they say), but it does not have a dust cover, and I don't know where I could get one at this point, nor do I have the desire to spend an exorbient sum of money to invest in one right now when in fact I don't intend to keep the table no longer than two years. If and when I obtain the Thorens, it is going to be a stopgap measure which will allow me to enter the analog arena right now (and I am buying some records also. I began buying my first EVER LPs more than a month ago) while I will began saving my money up for a better and more expensive table/arm later on), I may put the Technics SL-1200 MkII on my shortlist as well. But right now, I thinking about going "belt-drive" and I have my eyes and heart set on either a VPI Scout/JMW Memorial 9, or a Rega Planar 25 with a Rega RP600, but I will give the Technics SL-1200 MkII a shot as well. If I end up with either the VPI/JMW or the Rega Planar 25/RB600, you won't hold it against me, will you???


I couldn't agree more.


Okay.......... I haven't thought of that. A "factory refurbished" SOTA could be a very attractive option. I may consider that option as well. But now, getting back to the Technics SL-1200 MkII. If I should happen to change my mind and say that I do in fact want one (not likely to happen, but you never know), then I know where to look for one of those as well. And I don't have to travel far to get one either. I could go to a store that specializes in professional sound/dj equipment and get one there, OR, I could see if I could bribe my buddy into giving me one of his. Again, that's not likely to happen, but it's a thought (LOL).
