Purist Audio, Elrod or Shunyata power cord?

Hi all,

Need some advice on the power cord for my amp.
I tried many other cables out there, and burned lots of cash still could not bring the desire performance.

I have tried many out... now am consider changing the power cord from the amp and the speaker cable.
I have Purist Audio, Elrod, and Shunyata on my list...
But envy you guys, I do not have a way to audition all of the cables from the list.
I also don't have the budget for a 3000+ cable, and will like to start work my way up to bring the desire performance.

My components are as follow:

Meridian G08 cd player
interconnect from cd to pre:Tara Lab The One+FGS interconnect.
power for cdp: MIT Oracle AC1

Edge Sign. One preamp.
interconnect from pre to power: MIT Oracle 350
power for pre amp: Hand made brand Shark silver.

Edge G8 amp.
power for amp: Liner Acustic OCC copper.

Speaker: Ascendo system E
Speaker Cable: Analysis Plus Solo Crystal.

What are your opinions if what I am trying to get out of is the vivid "body" that's got details, big sound stage, deep base but not too lean or warm at mid. to bring the as-real-as-live kind of sound?

any suggesstion is appreciated.


Mphnkns, I still have many Shunyata's (Anaconda Vx, King Cobra V2, Cobra's, and Black Mamba), and I find them to be extremely good power cords. Their strengths IMHO are the rich, warm harmonic textures they weave through a black background. They do NOT have the dynamic impact of my Elrod EPS-3 Signatures though. For that matter, I felt that the Virtual Dynamics Nite and Shunyata Taipan power cords were more dynamic than the Shunyata's noise reduction cords. Shunyata even admits as much on their website. That is why they extended their pacesetter line.

Maybe we've had different experiences, or maybe we're just not communicating correctly. The Shunyata's have great bass, thunderous bass, with lean electronics or speakers I may prefer them. The Elrod/VD cords don't offer the quantity of bass, but tighter, better defined bass. In my opinion, the word dynamic is used meaning speed. The KC V2 will blow out your speakers, but that doesn't translate into speed or dynamics. The Elrod can still cause the walls to vibrate, but the attack and decay of the bass notes is quicker, less bass bloat,IMHO. In the end it just depends on your associated equipment and musical tastes. I would descibe the Shunyata cords as sounding like good tube equipment, while the Elrod cords are more like good solid state. Not that the Shunyata's are not dynamic, or the Elrod's are not musical, they just each have their own strength.
Elrod's bass is more like Krell amp, while the Shunyata bass is more like the ASL Hurricanes.

Just my $0.02.

Thanks for your insights into the sonics of the Elrods and the Shunyatas. I have't heard the Elrods on MY equipment, so I can't really comment. I would need to hear them in my system first, and I think that should always be the case in anyone's system. Unless a component is completely neutral, it will shift the sonics in some way.
I hope this is all helpful to the original poster.

I just re-read your statement:

"...For that matter, I felt that the Virtual Dynamics Nite and Shunyata Taipan power cords were more dynamic than the Shunyata's noise reduction cords. Shunyata even admits as much on their website. That is why they extended their pacesetter line...."
May I ask where you saw that on the website? I've looked, but haven't been able to see where they acknowledged the lack of dynamics or speed.
Maybe this will help.

Shunyata Power Systems Guide

To improve transient response, pace and dynamics -- substitute a Pacesetter cable for a Noise Reduction cable.

This is the first line in the final paragraph.

Thanks for all the responses guys!!
I went back and read each of your opinion 3 times!!
I think they are at very great value for me and help a starter like me a lot!!

Although there are difference in experience/opinion, I still take it as very valuable advice.

Thanks again guys!!~