Silver or copper cables?

I was curious on everyone elses preference on cables I prefer silver but that is just me. Which do all of you prefer? I would be interested in brad pitt's response hahaha!
look, i've admitted, reluctantly, to being one of the "guys," so i don't appreciate being picked on. yeah, yeah, "the mexican" ain't gonna win any of your major awards but i still got paid plenty. good thing. i use 40 ft. triple runs of 8 ga. pure platinum, ironstone coated. doesn't scratch like teflon.

-brad pitt
Silver sounds better to me! Every time I upgrade a cable to Silver, I like my system better. ...Paul
Silver if your components are laid back, polite, soft and you want a seat in row "D". Copper if you want a a fuller richer sound from leaner solid state or bright-lean tubes(some KT88 amps). Copper has more weight in the bass, fuller midrange and slightly slower pitchin general. Also puts in row "M". Silver is faster, tighter-leaner bass, can tip up in the upper midrange and lean out the voices too much. These are gross generalizations, and some copper designs can sound a lot like silver in the bass and in speed of pitch. Listen to mellow copper like MIT, Monster, neutral copper like Cardas(one of my favorites) and various silver designs. The one that makes your foot tap on a wide range of music is the one. Perhaps Brad will tap a little too. The bottom line is there are a lot of good designs in both copper and silver. Listen before you buy... Jeff
Hey Steve: And all SS amps sound alike unless they are malfunctioning, right?