best inerconnect $300 to $400

hello everybody want to up grade my inerconnects.what are the best in my price range. thanks for the help
The Sitech ST-38GT is also in your range in less than 1M To give you an idea, the ST-18G3 which is their "entry"? cable sounded better than Nordost Red Dawn in my system.
I bought a Coincident IC interconnect (RCA) via mail order from Arthur Salvatore at High End Audio (Toronto, Canada) based on his high praise of it. The cable is very direct, uncolored, dynamic, transmits the full range of frequencies, images well, and is very good at RF suppression. It is a bargain at U.S. $299. I ran an A/B between a Coincident IC and a supercable costing ten times more. The differences were very minor: midrange coloration on the human voice and woodwinds, and overall efficiency. I have heard that Israel Blume will come out with a new, more expensive cable in December.
I bought my Coincident cables directly from Israel Blume. Megasam: Go ahead and buy a pair. If you don't love them, I'll buy them off you.
Straight wire Serenade. Between preamp and amp wonders for sound. Wide and spacious sound stage, very detailed life-like sound. Blacker background. Takes long time to break-in. Between source and pre-amp try something like MIT proline balanced. This two combo works like magic in my system.
Another cable in this price range worth an audition is the HT Pro-Silway MkII. Noted for its smooth highs, tight bass and exceptional soundstaging.