Dumb Question about wi fi

I'm thinking of geting a Squeezebox (or similar device) so I can listen to the hi rez files resident on my iMac through my stereo on another floor. Sounds simple, huh? The problem is the wi fi in our house is created by a router hooked to my wife's PC. The iMac can see the wireless and this is how I get internet on the iMac. But will I be able to connect the Squeezebox (or any other music streamer) to our PC-based wi fi and then access files on my iMac? Or will I need the iMac to generate a wi fi network of its own?
Thanks for any help!
Would you clarify something? Is the wireless router hooked directly to a cable or DSL modem and is simply sitting next to your wife's PC? That would be the more common configuration.

Assuming that's the case, you can continue connecting additional devices (such as the Squeezebox Touch or another laptop) wirelessly to the router. The Touch could then stream music from your iMac. Note you'd need to install the Squeezeboxserver program on the iMac to provide the stream.
Yes, the wireless router is hooked into the DSL modem. The DSL modem is plugged into the telephone outlet and the router is plugged into her computer.
So the Touch could connect over wireless to the router. But could it command the iMac from there?
Yes. If the iMac, PC and Touch are all on the same subnet provided by the router, then the Touch will be able to get music from the iMac.

However, as noted before, you'll need to install the Squeezeboxserver software on the iMac. The iMac will need to be turned on and running that software whenever you want the Touch to play music from your collection. (Your iMac does not need to be on to access internet radio on the Touch.)

I'd suggest you check out the discussion groups at forums.slimdevices.com for additional detailed info.
The Mac will probably need a separate network. The network file systems are different etc.. The Mac can usually setup its own network without needing another router.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio