Power Cord Advice

I am thinking about replacing my power cords in my system and am looking at the Synergistic Research Power Coupler, Shuyata Black Mamba and the Harmonic Technology Pro AC-11. Any input or advice on these would be helpful. Thanks...
For what it is worth I have been very impressed with BMI customs I purchased on this site. I mention this because they certainly outperform the HT cords by a wide margin and in my system they were a better fit than a new Viper I had on loan for about a week, did not tempt me at all. They are reasonably priced.
Fooled around with about 10 different power cords ranging in retail price from $500- $1500. I have to agree with Petland, the winner for the best value and construction dollar for dollar in a power cord is the BMI virtue EEL reference custom. I have 4 in my system, and gives me the improvements I needed in my system. They are very detailed and dynamic sounding. Great service on BMI's end to answer questions and custom designed my eels to work in my system +$50K audio system.
I just put in a JPS Analog AC.I am very pleased.This is the first power cord i have tried.So I cant comment about how it sounds VS others.What i can say is it has made my system sound better.At 349.00 retail its good value.JPS will allow you to try them.Just contact them.They will charge your Visa and if you dont like them return them.I hope to try out a Coincident power cord soon.I have been told they are some of the best at any price point.Enjoy the music.