Does power cord length matter?

Recently the owner of a high end cable manufacturing company told me that the reverse of conventional wisdom was true in the case of power cords, and that the longer cable (2 meters) actually sounds better than a one meter cable. Is this true?
I just switched from a one meter Harmonic Technology Pro-11 AC power cord to a two meter H.T. Pro-11 AC, and guess what? I installed it late last night, and let it run all night to begin the break-in process. In the first 2 minutes it was apparent that this cable was much better. There was a sense of the room ambience present, more weight in the bass, higher output, and a general feeling of lively energy. Admittedly these aspects could be called "subtleties" that some people may not notice, but for those who have the experience to hear the differences they are significant. . I am satisfied that the effort I made to change to Harmonic Technology cables was worth it, and now enjoy the pride of ownership I hoped to find. Can't wait for it to fully break in. Thanks guys.
Good luck with your new 2 meter cord.I guess I now realize that longer power cords up to 6 feet are better.I did get a good deal on a 4 ft NBS Signature power cord and it has to sound better than a 3 ft one as it is 1/3 longer.I also won an aution on a 5 ft BMI Reference cord ,and from here on in ,nothing shorter than 5 ft.Live and learn.Enjoy !