Best tube pre under 1500?

A Mint Used Conrad Johsnon Premier 14 goes for around $ 1,750-2,000.00 . A magical Piece!
If you want phono built in try the Conrad Johnson PV-9a. Probably the best CJ phono ever is a non Premier preamp. Sell for $850 to $1000 used.
For another $0.02, I heartily recommend the Rogue 99. Used on Audiogon (if you can find one), can be had for approximately $1,300 to $1,500. After several comparison tests (using a McCormack DNA 225 SS amp into Soliloquy 6.3 speakers) the only thing we (brother and I) found that could beat it (and then only slightly) was an Air Tight point to point wired pre that retailed for over $4,000, with no remote. Needless to say, I am very, very pleased with the all around sound of the Rogue. Just one man's opinion, but a very happy one with this particular piece.
while admittedly more than $1.5k, at less than $2k, a melos ma-333r/music director will hold its own w/the best preamps out there. for ~$1k, i'd get a melos sha-gold-r/maestro over any of the above-mentioned units. both units' later wersions had remote-control wolume/balance. amazing transparancy, detail, lack of colouration, soundstage & dynamics.

ymmv, doug s.