PreAmp for Bryston 3BST/Mirage OM6 combo

Hey, I am in the market for a new pre-amp(have used .5B) for my Bryston 3BST and Mirage OM6's. Currently running MIT Terminator 2 biwires with them, source is an Arcam Alpha 8 cd player. From what I gather reading the past forums, tube pre-amps work real nicely with the Bryston amps. Now, I am leaning towards a new Anthem 2 PRe 2L SE, any thoughts on this or should I try something else in the $1 to 2 K range ? I listen mostly to R&R, a little blues and jazz.
Thak you very much for all responces ! Should also note I have a new PS Audio P300 for cd/preamp !
I'm using a Perreaux SA3 preamp with my bryston 4B-NRB, which works quite well (snell C/V speakers). I don't know if the new perreaux stuff is similar to the old (SA3 is about ten years old), but you see them used here sometimes and sometimes on audioshopper. buying them new seems to be sort of a nuisance, as you go direct from new zealand rather than through dealers here. anyway, i think the sa3 retailed for about 3k when new, so the new ones are probably about the same. they're solid state, though, not tube.
In the past I had a .5b mated with an older 3B (pre ST) and then I moved up to a BP-25/4B-ST combo. Still found it dry but extremely accurate. Went to a Rogue 66 tube preamp and was much happier. Gave up a little of the detail for a warmer sound - more enjoyable to my ears. Audition a tube preamp if you can so you can see (hear) the other side of solid state.
i definitely tink a toobed pre is the way to go. in my system, w/electrocompaniet s/s amps, i use a melos music director, which is outstanding, imho, & can be had for $1500-$2k, depending on age & exact iteration (ma-333/ma-333r/music director). later wersions had remote-control of balance & wolume, balanced outs were an option. in the $700-$1k range was the melos sha-gold/sha-gold-r/maestro. yust a small cut below the ma333 series. ewe will gain all the warmth of tubes, & lose none of the detail of good solid-state. also great dynamics.

doug s.