intro to tubes

Could some one give me any sites on introduction to tube audio. I'm looking to find answers concerning: What's so great about tubes? How long do tubes last? Are tubes expensive? Are tubes still manufactured(why do i hear so much about vintage tubes)? How are tube amps differet from solid state? What are the benefits? any help would be great. I just think they look cool. I know that newbies in the hobby get shafted on message boards, but please take the time to answer my questions.
Designer bruce rosenblit (?) has several books on tube amps available on his site and from old colony, which is a treasure house of books and parts
Hi Yamski, just a quick note to point out that not all tubed preamps need to be retubed each year. My Audio Research tube preamps (I've owned several) went for 3 and 4 years before I finally broke down and ordered more tubes (preamps tubes are cheap). I didn't keep them on unless I was listening. I now have an ARC tube amp and assume that it will need retubing more frequently, perhaps after a year to a year and a half (at a couple hundred dollars' cost).
I had always been solid state till now, and ADORE the tube sound, at least of the ARC gear. Rich bass, deep velvet midrange and highs. Great!
There's info at tube seller Kevin Deal's commercial website: Go to the main page, click on the "Rare Tubes" button.
This isn't likely to help you out too much, but it should have some entertainment value at the very least. After reading your post, I tried searching the web for suitable information about tube audio equipment and ran a cross this link for an article written in 1972 about the differences between tubes and solid state. Its unlikely to still be applicable to todays SS technology, but its an interesting piece of history. The URL is if you'd like a good late night read (or maybe a sleep aid ;-)).
