college kid needs help with budget amps

I'm wanting to move to seperates and i'm on a limited budget. Which would be a better choice: a older-model, used adcom amp and pre amp, such as the GFA 535 and the GTP- 400, or a used/new but late model integrades models from NAD, cambridge audio, or marantz. Or give me your own suggestions for under $500. Also i have klipsch speakers and listen to mostly rock. I'm considering new speakers too, which amp will give me a good start. thanks
Get a good used integrated - Linn Majik, Audiolab 8000, Naim Nait, etc. All for around 500 -600$ and will outperform big mid grade separates in terms of purity of sound.
If you should decide to go with separates, the Adcom 535 and 545 are excellent amps for the money. However, in my experience, the gtp400 & gtp450 pre/tuners were greatly over rated. I was told by a dealer that these models were subject to a bit of variability soundwise. If so, this could account for why they were favorably reviewed.
I would recommend used separates Acurus product, Hafler amp is also match well with klipsch. Regards, Rute.
I had a Jolida 502A a few years back.It rocked very well with its 6550 output tubes.Its a 60 wpc integrated.If you look hard you may be able to find one for $500.This amp is awesome in the looks department also.