Have ARC LS-16 Pre- what to upgrade to??

Considering ARC Ref II. Also, need processor bypass + remote. Any other ideas? (using SS Theta Dreadnaught amp, and Totem Mani-2 speakers). Thanks!
If you're talking about features and this price range, what about a SF Line 3? I don't have any direct comparison sound-wise between the two, but my understanding is that the Line 3 is top-notch (I have a Line 1 myself, that I greatly enjoy).
I was recently in your predicament and the preamps I've found which have these features: Sonic Frontiers, Mark Levinson,Conrad Johnson,Audio Research,Pass labs,and Anthem.

Coincedentally, I don't think the Ref 1 has processor bypass, instead I believe it has another tape loop.

The Sonic Frontiers 3 won't keep up with LS16. You'll need to go to LS25 or Ref 2 for tubes to best it. The LS25 doesn't sound much different than the LS16. I am yet to hear the LS25 mkII. The Pass Labs preamps are very clean. If you have the dough, and like your LS16, go ARC Ref 2.

I recently purchased the LS16 to go with my Lexicon MC1 and am currently very happy.

Best Regards,

I had the LS 16 while I was waiting for my LS 25 MKII. This is THE upgrade. Bass response is in a different league all together and the preamp is much much quiteter. It makes a big difference. Thankfully, it retains all of that glorious ARC sound. Not bright but a fully extended high end. There are only 2 tubes to worry about, the REF 2 has 11.