Digital Rules

Seems to me there quite a few people here that have the misguided belief that some antiquated use of vinyl and outdated analog technology is somehow the "preferred" method of reproduction of music. I say they are wrong and behind the times, not to mention that they can't even do home theater. Personally I threw away my LP's, eight track players, cassette decks and vcr's years ago. The world is going digital, move on or get left behind !!
You have to laugh loud with this one! But with all the serious and educational exchanges that go on here, some entertainment is needed too.
Post removed 
Sorry, I refuse to stop listening to my Edison cylinders. They were good enough for my grandparents, and they're good enough for me and my family! Screw progress!!
Justicels -

He could use any of the new hard-disk based PVRs, like TiVO, etc. There's pretty much nothing today that can't be stored/transmitted digitally in both a technically and economically feasible fashion.
