Jadis Fidelity

Somebody can tell me we do not see too many Jadis product on Audiogon? What do I have to expect(buy or sell) for a Jadis 100 (E34 Tubes) ? Do Jadis people keep their gears longer?
So the 500's are a different beast altogether and the Defy 7 lacks the subtlety of the other monoblocks? Am I to conclude that the JA 200 is the best for Jadis magical musicality and balls too? How about the pre-amps? Which one is the best and does it have a phone stage?
CWLondon, the 200 is a dream and you are lucky if you can get one. You are right in assuming, that they combine the best of the two worlds. The best Jadis preamp I know is a four chassis job, the JP-200 MC. MC stands for moving coil, so it has a phonostage, you can have a line stage version too. Next to all what has been said above, this gear has even more resolving ability and a wallop and a transient speeed which I have never-ever heard from anything else except in concert. Wonder what Rcprince and Gerrym5 will have to say..
which is the best preamp for Jadis amps,which brands of preamps matches well with Jadis,does it only combine well with a Jadis preamp or can a ss preamp also combine well with a Jadis amps?
Samaul, generally ss and tube combinations in a chain are poor bedfellows, if you want to use them full range. It makes sense here to also look at specs and compare input and output impedances of the gear you want to combine. A mismatch here can have a multitude of strange effects especially in the midrange. If you run multiple amps however and like a fast, tight and well defined bottom end, I've heard excellent results with a Jadis front end and various higher powered SS amps. I think its wrong to generalise. You have to use your own ears- and best another pair of female ears, well disposed to you and our passion -to find out.
If anyone wants to get a glimpse of what a Jadis is all about, please check out the preamp in the feature auction on the Audiogon home page. My amp features cosmetics along these lines. Stainless steel and 24k gold plated brass on the faceplate. Tubes/transformers/caps on top, sitting on a stainless steel bed, transformer covers in black and 24k gold. Side plates are real wood. But take a closer look. At the business end of things, and you will see that a Jadis is not just a pretty face. It is as serious as things ever get. THAT is why they sound so special. I once read a description of Jadis, "must be seen, and more importantly heard(so they say)". NO BS there. I don't think anyone can dispute the fact that Jadis presents a combination seemingly without peer. Those looks AND those parts... WOW!!!