BAT Equipment vs Audio Research

Has anyone auditioned BATs VK 75SE and 50SE. How does this equipment compare with the Audio Research line? I am only soliciting opinions. I know everyone has different tastes and one must trust their own ears. However, different perspectives, by knowledgeable people, is always helpful.
I have just recently had both the BAT gear you are interested in, and the ARC gear in a direct comparison in my home. It was not even close. The BAT stuff is simply more like real music. It is much more natural sounding, just beautiful. Needless to say I bought all BAT equipment.
I own the VK50se and the VK 60 amp. I've owned ARC tube stuff before, but not the products on the market currently. This biggest diffence I hear is the BAT is more involving, has more emotion, draws you in better. The ARC is very good, but doesn't get your blood flowing. Both are good, the choice should be made on match to your speakers, taste, and what dealer you like better. That's my 2 cents.
Hello Pipes, Wow this thread is right up my alley. Over the years I have compared ARC to BAT and in all honesty to my ears it wasn't even close! Before owning BAT gear I had countless ARC tube pre-amps and amps and I don't want to over state my enthusiasm but IMHO the Bat gear won by a WIDE margin. I now own a VK-50se, VK-60 mono blocks ( hope to upgrade to the VK-150se mono's ) driving Eidolons. My front end is a ML-37 transport and a ML-360s DAC. I don't have a lot of time now to get into the details but if you care to e-mail me direct I would be happy to respond to you sometime over the weekend. Best of luck, Tom
I haven't heard the ref 1 or 2 yet, but I did hear the vk30SE's (jtinn's in fact!) put into my system with my ARC vt100m2. It replaced my solid state preamp. I never heard such a dramatic improvement. Lost a tiny, tiny bit of detail, but the instruments just came alive and the sonic image instantly, unquestionably, became fully three dimensional. You felt like you could get up and walk around single instruments. Amazing. Might just get me one o them.

Has anybody compared the VK30SE's optional phono preamp (card) to an ARC ph-3 phono preamp ? I run the ph-3 right now, and I love it's sound.

Has anyone done a direct comparison of the BAT verses an AR ref 1 or 2 using a vt100 ? If I recall, the ref 1 was actually a little more detailed sounding than the more euphonically voiced ref 2.