Classe' amps

I just bought a Classe' CAP -151 integrated, and i love it.I am womdering,for future consideration,if anyone has used Classe'amps,and what was your experience? I am using Wadia DAC/transport, and Energy Veritas V 1.8 speakers. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
Gentleman, Thannk you for all your responses,they were very helpful. Has anyone used the CAP-151 as a pre,or as an amp?And if so what was the result. Thanks again!
The Classe DR-8 I bought developed an intermittant short in one of the channels after a few days use. I think it may be dust in the stereo/mono switch. I brought it back to the dealer and decided to try an Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp. While the Audio Refinement does not have the dynamics or pace of the Classe, it has a much richer midrange and fuller bass. Even a die hard tube fan like me is happy. I plan on keeping the Audio Refinement and eventually selling my preamp (after Audio Refinment burns in and is ok).
Hello Anthony,

I used my Cap 100 with a McCormack DNA.5 Deluxe for a few years - it was exceptional. Recently I replaced it with a Classe CP45 so the integrated could be used elsewhere in the home. The CP45 has a slightly better defined mid, however, for $1700 it had better.

The Classe integrated amps are true classics.