Tubed pre-amp for solid state amp?

I heard that the cheapest alternative, to ALL tubed components, is tube pre, and ss amp?! Need recommendation for tubed Pre-amp, to match with the amp with the input of 10Kohm (Linn LK-100)The amp is little on the "dry" side, so i am "yearning" harmonic richness. Around 6-$800 Thanks!
I agree with pops, the tube pre solid state power amp is a great way to go. I have the Audible Illusions M3A preamp and ARC 100.2 power amp and I love this combo. If you play LP's this preamp is unbeatable for the money. Good deals are out there on used units.
I have a Golden Tube SEP1-se I use and bi-amp with an Adcom 535 and GFA545II. In my other system I have an Anthem Pre1l wich I have used with the Adcoms. It's a great preamp, and you could probably get a new one (there's still a few around) for $775, or s used one for $500. Stereophile liked this one.
I've used the CJ PV-12L mated to a CJ SS Amp. Wonderful pre-amp. One of CJ's best kept secrets. It did not get a lot of press. Although I'm currently not using a pre-amp, I do miss the CJ. New, the line stage retailed for $1800. I'm sure that you could find a good deal on one.
CJ will give a very warm, lush sound. Maybe even look into to Golden Tube, Manley, or Quicksilver which are not SO warm. For you AR and SF may not be warm enough. Also, do not rule out the use of a CD player with tube output(Ah! Tjoeb, Cary, Jolida, etc.) if your CDP is old.
Did the same, times two, really. I have an AH!Tjoeb and a VTL 2.5 running into a Bryston 4b-st amp. It sounds really swell. However, one thing that I have recently found to be a little more annoying than I initially gave it credit for is that I just can't seem to manage to get the tube rush down to a level that I like. (I've retubed the pre twice with allegedly fancy tubes). The Tjoeb is as quiet as a churchmouse, but the VTL is not. For most kinds of music that I listen to it is perfect, but I've found that, with a recent classical purchasing spree, although the dynamics are stunning, during the otherwise quiet times the tube rush can be noticable and annoying. Just my experience, and hopefully one that is remediable because the sound is otherwise very much to my liking, but possibly a valid consideration.