How do I listen to stereo audio?

How can I have the best of both worlds. I want to convert my audio system to home theater via the Bryston 9b. I want to be able to keep my Levinson preamp and use that for listening to stereo, but then use a surround processor for theater. How can I do this, do some good processors have some sort of passive pass through. Thanks. Matt
Oh, also some prepros do have analog passthrough. But their digital bypass will not give you the best analog stereo possible. You can use what you have and follow the tape monitor method in the above post.
I don't know if your levinson has a 'processor input'. My adcom does. With this scenario, you would go Home Theater Receiver variable outs-> adcom pream processor input -> amp -> speakers. You would control the volume with your home theater volume control. You would also have normal CD Player->Adcom preamp->amp->speaker combinations where the volume would be controlled by the preamp.
John, that's essentially a unity gain as I described above. As far as I know, no Levinson pre has it.
I suggest you sell your Levinson pre and purchase a Proceed AVP. Its a HT pre/processor that contains many of the best Levinson components (such as their best multibit DACS in the right and left channels). I'm very happy with it.