YBA Audiorefinement/Musical Fidelity A3

Hi:need help in choosing one of these integrates,which is better or sonic signatures on yba audio refinement complete or golden tube audio s50 mkII i think,thx,AL
I audiotioned both also, and to me the audio refinement sounded better (IMHO). This is always a subjective topic...so go with your likings. You can get the audio refinement here for about $700.00 used. To me, Audio Advisor is a rip off. Do not buy anything at list price. Your dealer should be able to discount the list price and if you don't like the amp, a good dealer should take it back within some time period. Goodluck with your choice and take care.
I would agree with Rlimo that the Audio Refinement Complete is better sounding. Both are very musical but the Complete has better detail and a slightly better low end.
I have read that the YBA is not very load tolerant but the MF is. If you know what you want, AA is not a rip off, they give you 30 days. The most important thing is what works best with your setup. Try to hear them in your home.
I purchased the MF A300 from Audio Advisor. I really enjoyed the sound of it. I just could not get Audio Advisor to send me an invoice/receipt after three weeks of asking. Amp was nice, customer service was poor. I sent it back.
My vote also goes to audiorefinement. I heard them both, and they are both good. The YBA amp was especially good with the cd player from the same line. Also try the Linn Majik. I tried all three and bought the Linn.