Help ! Levinson No333 or No.33H

I have been gave a good offer in upgrading my No.333 to No.33H. Is it worth to go for it? Anybody made a direct comparison between this 2 amps? I am worry that the 33H(150W) will be lack of punching if compare to the No.333(300W). Appreciate for any feedback.
Ugin, the 333 is stereo and 33h is mono. Are you getting another unit to complete the upgrade?
Bagwell: What is your email address? Brandon: The 333 is a dual monoral power amp and I am thinking to swap it to 33H
I am also interested in the answer to this question. Unfortunately, no one is willing to answer it online.
I did have them both and I did up grade to......guess what???? If you have any questions e-mail... Tommy ;-)