media player for mac.

I'm trying replacing itune. i have mac pro and i don't know where to turn now.
j river is for pc only. any suggestion or advice?

Thank you
I just downloaded BiPerfect and it's.......perfect.
Playing through the Centrance DACmini is kind of a revelation,
of sorts, in a way, whatever.
It's never sounded so good.

It's also the first time I've had tons of visual clues hitting me all at once, continuously, accompanied by some slight shifts in location, tone, etc., like it was righting itself.

Best $5 tweak I've ever done.
This is fun.

where did you find that bit perfect. I tried goggle but i only find junk website.

Here is the site for BitPerfect:

For some reason I can't get it to come up at the iTunes app store.
Just click on 'Purchase' in the main title and it will take you there.
I believe it only works on Macs.
